PICASSO Art and Book Workshop

Children, youngsters and adults enjoyed learning about the different stages of the best Spanish painter of all times.


In the exceptional setting of a huge room of the Public Library overlooking Downtown Dallas, the Picasso Art Workshop took place. Children, teenagers and adults enjoyed learning about the different stages of the best Spanish painter of all times. Under the guidance of the illustrator and art teacher, Sergi Calavia, we were able to carry out the activities he prepared for us, which included sculpture, composition of cubist images, watercolors, drawings... There was also an extensive collection of books contributed by some members that attendees were able to take home. We would also like to thank Daniel de Córdova for the Picasso caps and moustaches that the children won by raffle. And of course, the invaluable collaboration of our member and friend, Eloy, who personified Picasso like no one else.


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